sigmaBean (as known as σBean, σB) is a prepaid virtual money issued by InnoSigma Limited (our company). σBean can be converted from fiat money after your deposit is confirmed. You can use σBean to purchase or pay for various kinds of products and services, including shopping in HK33.
Using σBean is convenient and fast, there is no need to deposit money into our account everytime for making payments. There is no expiration date for σBean.
σBean is only for purchasing or paying for products or services recognized by our company. Unused σBean cannot be converted back to fiat money.
Using σBean is convenient and fast, there is no need to deposit money into our account everytime for making payments. There is no expiration date for σBean.
σBean is only for purchasing or paying for products or services recognized by our company. Unused σBean cannot be converted back to fiat money.
What are the exchange rates?
Basic Exchange Rate
1 HKD = 1 σBean
* Exchange rates may vary from time to time, subject to the date of payment.
* If you deposit with foreign currency, exchange rate will be calculated by the rates announced by the Hong Kong Association of Banks (HKBA). A 5% of service charge will be imposed.
How to deposit?
Have deposited?
If you are paid via PayPal or credit card online, the system will automatically convert the amount to sigmaBean and you can use it immediately.
If you have deposited via other means, please login to your HK33 account, go to Account Management sigmaBean Inform Deposit to let us know. We will confirm your deposit and convert it to σBean as soon as possible.